What is Personal Training?

Using your customized exercise prescription, personal training is a great way to stay on track and ensure you are performing exercises correctly, safely and effectively to achieve maximum benefit and reach your goals. Regular exercise is directly related to positive health and quality of life with benefits being even greater when the exercise program is customized to be safe and effective for the individual's needs, fitness level, health and goals.

Our team of wellness and fitness experts keeps you accountable to your fitness routine and minimizes time wasted. They cater to your personal requirements and are accommodating to your schedule.


  • $50 for 30-mins
  • $90 for 60-mins 
  • $450 for ten 30-min visits
  • $850 for ten 60-min visits

*HSA/FSA Eligible 

Personal Training Locations

What can I expect in Personal Training?

When you arrive for your personal training session, your trainer will be waiting for you in the gym. They’ll have a workout planned for you and take you through it step by step.

Personal training workouts are highly customized to meet your goals and needs. Your trainer will not be working with other clients during your workout time; you’ll have their full, undivided attention.

Your personal trainer will ensure that you have the proper form on every movement and that any questions you have are answered. 

Is Personal Training right for me?

  • Individuals with specific training goals
  • Those seeking one-on-one, undivided attention of their trainer
  • Those who like an extra level of accountability to help maintain exercise routines
  • Beginners and experienced exercisers alike! 

"I was having issues with strength and balance and was not exercising well. I was diagnosed with colon cancer right after this. After the surgery and losing a third of my colon, I started going to the center on a regular basis. I feel like the instructors and staff have helped me get more balance, stronger, and be in better shape. I also worked with a dietitian and a mental health expert. I go to classes twice a week and I have started working with a personal trainer. The trainer keeps me very focused so that I do my exercises right and with proper form. I would recommend this program because of the impact it has had on my quality of life."

— Glenna Muirbrook, Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness Center Patient