Intermountain Cancer Center locations provide you with the resources, tools, and information to help you learn about your treatment options and services. Your physician and care team will discuss your own personalized care plan with you. Remember that your input, preferences, and opinions are critical to the decisions made about your care plan and it’s important that you openly communicate what is most important to you.

Cancer Support Services

Managing cancer, as with any life-threatening disease, can be physically, emotionally, and spiritually challenging for you and your loved ones. Intermountain Cancer Center locations offer many supportive therapies and services to provide comfort and care from the moment your cancer is diagnosed throughout treatment and survivorship.

Psychosocial and Behavioral Support Services

Social workers can help you cope with cancer and support you as you deal with the psychological or social concerns you face through diagnosis, treatment, and remission. You and your family may react to a cancer diagnosis in a variety of ways—it is normal to feel worried, sad, angry, isolated, anxious, or even to feel a loss of control over your health and your life. A cancer diagnosis can mean increased distress and concern.

When distress becomes extreme, it can impact your health, relationships, and emotional well-being as well as your daily activities. Early identification of emotional distress, and appropriate referrals and support to address concerns can help improve your ability to cope, your cognitive and emotional health, and your overall quality of life.

Oncology social workers provide support, resources, and community referrals to deal with practical concerns such as work arrangements, financial or insurance issues, transportation, communication with family, advanced directives and end-of-life planning, and bereavement. They are also trained to provide short-term counseling to help individuals and families ease distress, and to help manage emotional issues that may arise during cancer treatment.

Counseling Services May Include:

Adjustment to diagnosis and treatment

Advanced care planning

Coping with life changes and challenges

Couples and family counseling

Crisis intervention

Grief, loss, and bereavement

Relaxation and mindfulness

Sexuality and intimacy

Support groups

Talking with children and teens of individuals with cancer

A Care Team Centered Around You


Your Caregiver plays a key role in your journey.

A family member, friend, or paid helper who is responsible for physical and emotional support throughout the cancer care process.


Your Dietitian plays a key role in your journey.

As part of the cancer care team, a Registered Dietitian provides medical nutrition therapy for patients during all phases of treatment. Dietitians help patients by identifying nutritional impacts, prescribing nutrition interventions, providing education and monitoring nutritional status. Talk to your provider about setting up an appointment with a dietitian.


Financial Advocate

Your Financial Advocate plays a key role in your journey.

Financial advocates often help patients understand their out of pocket expenses and what their health insurance plans may cover. Financial advocates may also help patients set up payment plans, find cost saving methods for treatment and improve access to health care services the patient.

Genetic Counselor

Your Genetic Counselor plays a key role in your journey.

If cancer seems to run in your family you may have an increased risk of cancer. Genetic counselors can help determine if there is a genetic reason for the occurrence of cancer in a family. They can discuss the benefits and limitations of seeking genetic testing.

Nurse Navigator

Your Nurse Navigator plays a key role in your journey.

Our nurse navigators help with disease and treatment education, coordinating your care, and general problem-solving. Their goal is to provide the best care possible to patients and families throughout their cancer journey.


Your Provider plays a key role in your journey.

A person qualified to practice medicine who is responsible for diagnosing your symptoms, designing and managing your treatment plan, and providing counsel throughout the cancer care process.

Social Worker

Your Social Worker plays a key role in your journey.

Social Workers can help you cope with cancer and support you as you deal with the psychological and social concerns you face through diagnosis, treatment and remission. 

Treatment Nurse

Your Treatment Nurse plays a key role in your journey.

A treatment nurse gives instructions during treatment and can help you handle concerns about treatment therapies and any possible side effects.

Emotional and Spiritual Support Services

Dealing with cancer, as with any life-threatening disease, is physically and emotional trying for patients and their loved ones. Our hospitals work with local religious leaders, genetic counselors, and supportive care clinics to help meet you spiritual and emotional needs.

Genetic Counseling

If cancer seems to run in your family, you may have an increased risk of cancer. Genetic counselors can help to determine if there is a genetic reason for occurrences of cancer in a family and can discuss the benefits and limitations of seeking genetic testing.

Spiritual Support

Our hospitals work with local religious leaders to help meet your spiritual needs. We also can help contact clergy of any faith.

Supportive Care Clinics

Intermountain Cancer Center locations have Supportive Care Clinics throughout our service areas. We provide same day visits for new problems as well as ongoing symptom management to help you live the healthiest life possible.