Contact us for a virtual evaluation or for questions about hospice:

Bereavement Services

The pain experienced after losing a loved one can feel overwhelming and interminable, but Intermountain’s bereavement services can help you manage your loss and pain. While our services will never erase your loss, you can learn to live a full life again.

Caregiver Respite and Support

Providing full-time care for a loved one can be overwhelming and exhausting. By seeking support and managing your own wellbeing you will both be able to live the healthiest lives possible.

End of Life Planning

Advance care or end-of-life planning encourages you to record and share your healthcare preferences with providers and loved ones.

Hospice Pharmacy Services

Hospice pharmacy services are part of the care a patient receives near the end of life when they no longer seek a cure but instead want to be treated for pain relief and other symptoms. Hospice patients can receive home healthcare from a hospice team, including home pharmacy services.

Medical Equipment and Supplies

Medical equipment and supplies are available to help people in palliative care or hospice care. Learn more about what equipment and supplies are available and how you can get them.

Nursing Care and Coordination

Palliative care is medical care focused on improving quality of life for patients and their families. Specialized nurses play a key role on your palliative care team, helping to manage medications and make plans.

Pain and Symptom Management

Pain is a signal passed along by nerve cells in the body. Pain can be either acute (short term) or chronic (longer term). It can also range from mild to severe.

Physician Care

Palliative or hospice care physicians help patients and their families make medical decisions. They coordinate the team of care providers that provide pain management and emotional support.

Social Work Services

A hospital stay can be a stressful experience for you and your child. Medical social workers can provide support to you and your family during a stressful time. Social workers are located in inpatient units and in outpatient clinics.

Volunteer Support

Volunteers perform administrative tasks, like data entry or working in the hospital gift shop, but they also support compassionate care, palliative care, and hospice patients, helping ensure that no one dies alone.